Desert Series (2016-17)
Using a process of scanning and layering to create psychic landscapes to examine and restructure intimate narratives embedded in the starkness of the desert landscape.
Alluvial Fan, 24 x30", mixed media on metal, cactus and kapok, 2017
Angel of Repose, 24 x32", mixed media on metal, seed matter and kapok, 2017
Diaton, 24 x 24", mixed media on metal, meteorite dust and ash, 2016
Mushroom Bursts, 24 x 36", mixed media on metal, mushroom matter and seeds, 2016
Queen Cresote, 24 x 32", mixed media on metal, lichen and kapok, 2017
Sleeping Poppies, 24 x 30", mixed media on metal, ash and flowers, 2017
Yucca Moth, 24 x 30", mixed media on metal, ash and seed matter, 2017